Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hi everyone..I started a new blog: so check it out! I have a kid now so I made it kid is really cute and I don't want all these talent scouts knocking on my door all day, you know how that goes. So if I haven't invited you or you've changed your email let me know!! Love you's a preview of what you'll see on the new can see its well worth checking out. :)

Can you believe they let us take home a kid? They did. And he's just like us. We love him

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Surfing Utah Style

Closest thing to surfing you can get here in Utah! We went to Pine View Reservoir for Labor Day and wake surfed all was pretty rad.

Monday, February 02, 2009

time in between

below is yosemite, the craggy looking rocks are mt whitney

Well, there wasn't much time in between getting engaged and getting married....about 2 was stressful, but enough time! And i got to go on a sweet trip with my sis that we'd been planning for months...we hiked Mt Whitney in N.'s the highest point in the continuous US...almost 15,000 ft. It was rad.

We went to yosemite first to do some warmup hikes...that was way was rad to be just us...then the big day came...we did it all in one day (which, if i were to do it again, i'll do it in 2 days) so we left at about 3:30am to get up to the base at about 4. It was pitch dark and we had our headlamps and our bearmase ready (it was pretty scary actually! Picture hiking in the middle of nowhere in the pitch dark!) but it was was cool to see the other hikers way ahead of us...their headlamps looked like little fireflys in the night was honestly one of the coolest things i've ever done...
About 8 hrs later we were at the top...and you could definetely tell you had less air...the altitude was was really tough on kel...she didn't do so good....but probably cause she had been stressing out the week before we left planning a bridal shower for me! Its amazing what your body reveals about itself when its 15,000 ft above sea level...
the way down was rough, but pretty sweet...we were definelty anxious to get down...all in all, we had a blast...i love my sister! I did miss mike know how it is when you're engaged and all lovey!! awe...

the engagement

Okay, so here goes..i'm gonna atempt to do a bunch of should be pretty exciting. After I made dinner and said by to my man (had to go back to school to work on stuff as usual!) I was going to sit down in a blanket and read Harry Potter 6 (okay, don't hate me...its acutally really entertaining...i never read em when they were the craze...mike was reading the Cronicles of Narnia and I wanted to read something fun like that so I picked back up Harry Potter...i read the first few before my mission...) but then I saw the pic of me and ash with sand on our faces, and i remembered that I should blog...

So, this is how it happened...we were in California over the summer (mike went down for a week to surf with his bf Dave and i came down for a few days and met up) and he surprised me with a ring IN the NB, near the temple, or outside the temple is nice cause you can scream and be excited but IN the temple was a little was really tough for me to keep it quiet...but it was amazing...i was the happiest girl in the world...he actually didn't technically "ask" me to marry him....he just took out the ring and said some really sweet things, and pretty soon it was on my finger (don't know how!!:) and he said "i didn't even ask you if you would marry me..." and I just said "YES!" "me" is that...and that's how it happend. So here's a pic..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello Friends!

Hi, I've recently been reprimanded by a couple people near and dear to me that I do not blog enough, and I'm warning you, just cause I'm writing this one does not mean I'm going to be consistent, but I can promise that I will try...i just have to make it a habit. Right now I'm sitting at school with Mike while he works on some drawings...yea, that's right, he draws in college....i for one had a real major...haha kiddin...he actually works way harder than I did, and does really complicated cool things (he's studying architecture at the U...if you did not know that then I apologize for being a bad friend and not telling you that earlier..) Any-who, sitting at school with him is a good time cause he has a RAD computer that he got so conveniently AFTER we got married so it was OUR money! haha...wouldn't have made a difference anyways, and now its half mine! and its super fun to perhaps I will blog when I am at school with him.

Here is us, just so you get a visual. These are random pics of us dating...I'm not sure how to blog, so i'm not good and artistic with posting pics...i'll try. 

So, tonight I made chicken curry and it wasn't too bad!  i'm gettin better at this cooking thing, although i'm not looking forward to doing the dishes when I get home...i know all of you who have lived with me before are laughing right now, saying to yourselves, or outloud "yep, that's nance" but I really am getting better!, i have managed to be pretty good at the cooking everyday thing, its just so exhausting afterwards to do the dishes!  Geese!  i mean really!  Luckily I have a wonderful husband that does them when he is home...unfortunately he is most of the time at I brown paper bag the curry and bring it to him....i know, right?  am i not the best wife ever?!!  haha...

okay, here's some more pics.  okay, so i haven't figured out how to put the pics below the writing, so i'll try next post....until next time....

Friday, December 07, 2007

The good times

After i finished that post i realized i should probably post about the good times i had in the cold weather with my hawaii friends...i wish i could have seen all of you, but a few of you at a time will do. Aj, Jake, Rohan and i went to Goodwood for some tasty BBQ and remised about the old times...i miss it! Why couldn't we have all just married each other and stayed there and had blissfull little lives like i said dang it! Luke and Ash have the right idea...i'm coming you guys! I'm workin on it! here we are...a little paler than we're used to, but still the same. Aloha. Oh yea, and here's some at Katie and Josh's wedding...they're linked to hawaii...and good ol Richy...i hadn't seen him since he left on his mission! he's all grown up! haha.

SNOW part dose

okay so my vid didn't work..i'll keep trying. I saw AJ and Jake the other was SO fun! She tried to teach me how to blog a little, but i'm still retarded! That or i just have "Adult ADD" as my dad would call it and don't feel like reading all the directions...anyways, since my vid didn't work here's a few pics of the snow. Isn't it GORGEOUS!

Sunday, December 02, 2007


It FINALLY snowed here! And, yes i say finally in an excited manner because that means the fun begins...sledding, snowboarding, snowshoeing, building kickers and jumping over trashcans (I will do that this season...i know it!) etc..The ocean is still my favorite, and yes i miss her, but mother nature has also given us mountains and snow to play in and i am thankful. Here's a little clip of the magic.

Monday, November 19, 2007


So i just did this whole blog and totally didn't save it...DANG! So here's the short version...the marathon was RAD! I totally forgot to blog about it...Kelly and I ran together the whole time (we're perfect running partners, i love it!) and didn't even hit a wall! This pic is of us at mile 25 and i remember feeling so good! It was crazy..i think we paced ourselves really well or something...cause when we finished we both felt like we could have ran faster! Moral of the story is: marathon's are totally do-able. We both finished in sub-4 (total runners word, aren't i cool?) and had a fun day with the fam (our parents came up) and a nice soak in the hot tub! It was a fun trip..
ps. my exact time was 3 hours 58 minutes by the way..barely made it!