Sunday, December 02, 2007


It FINALLY snowed here! And, yes i say finally in an excited manner because that means the fun begins...sledding, snowboarding, snowshoeing, building kickers and jumping over trashcans (I will do that this season...i know it!) etc..The ocean is still my favorite, and yes i miss her, but mother nature has also given us mountains and snow to play in and i am thankful. Here's a little clip of the magic.


Blogger The Trotter Family said...

You enjoy that stuff...I am having a hard enough time staying warm in our 60 degree weather! It is so pretty though and snowboarding somehow makes you forget that how cold you are. Enjoy!

1:04 PM  
Blogger ashley said...

strangely, i wish i could play with you in the snow....but i wish more that i could play with you in the ocean. maybe we can do another "neglect the kids on the beach and jump in the cold winter water at the s.c. pier" again this christmas?????

4:18 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

can you see my vid? I can't but i wonder if you folks can. Weird, i'm leaving a comment on my own blog.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Melinda said...

How fun. I love the snow at Christmas time. I almost came up there a couple weeks ago, but couldn't find a good deal on a flight because it was last minute. I want to come up in a couple of months so you'll have to hang out with my one day when I do.

I love that picture of you and your niece. You look so pretty.

p.s. can't see any video

8:18 AM  
Blogger Melinda said...

How fun. I love the snow at Christmas time. I almost came up there a couple weeks ago, but couldn't find a good deal on a flight because it was last minute. I want to come up in a couple of months so you'll have to hang out with my one day when I do.

I love that picture of you and your niece. You look so pretty.

8:19 AM  
Blogger the 2nd tallest tree said...

Nope, can't see the vid.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Dan and Amanda Arrhenius said...

I can't see the video as well. Hey Nance when are you going home to Cali. for Christmas? I get to Utah on the 17th and don't return back to Iowa until Jan. 9th. We must get together! Maybe Cheesecake Factory? Hmm we'll see! Let me know. Just leave your schedul on my blog so I know when you'll be around. Wait, actually...I need your cell number again. I lost it, so email me if you can. Love ya dear,

8:37 PM  

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