Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello Friends!

Hi, I've recently been reprimanded by a couple people near and dear to me that I do not blog enough, and I'm warning you, just cause I'm writing this one does not mean I'm going to be consistent, but I can promise that I will try...i just have to make it a habit. Right now I'm sitting at school with Mike while he works on some drawings...yea, that's right, he draws in college....i for one had a real major...haha kiddin...he actually works way harder than I did, and does really complicated cool things (he's studying architecture at the U...if you did not know that then I apologize for being a bad friend and not telling you that earlier..) Any-who, sitting at school with him is a good time cause he has a RAD computer that he got so conveniently AFTER we got married so it was OUR money! haha...wouldn't have made a difference anyways, and now its half mine! and its super fun to perhaps I will blog when I am at school with him.

Here is us, just so you get a visual. These are random pics of us dating...I'm not sure how to blog, so i'm not good and artistic with posting pics...i'll try. 

So, tonight I made chicken curry and it wasn't too bad!  i'm gettin better at this cooking thing, although i'm not looking forward to doing the dishes when I get home...i know all of you who have lived with me before are laughing right now, saying to yourselves, or outloud "yep, that's nance" but I really am getting better!, i have managed to be pretty good at the cooking everyday thing, its just so exhausting afterwards to do the dishes!  Geese!  i mean really!  Luckily I have a wonderful husband that does them when he is home...unfortunately he is most of the time at I brown paper bag the curry and bring it to him....i know, right?  am i not the best wife ever?!!  haha...

okay, here's some more pics.  okay, so i haven't figured out how to put the pics below the writing, so i'll try next post....until next time....